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Click to read a re-telling of Blodeuwedd's Myth
John Liston Byram Shaw

"'Let us use our magic and enchantments to conjure up a woman out of flowers.'  Math and Gwydyon took the flowers of oak and broom and meadowsweet and from these conjured up the loveliest and most beautiful girl anyone had seen; they baptized her with the form of baptism that was used then, and named her Blodeuwedd."   

- The Mabinogion


Gwydion overtook her then, and said to her, "I won't kill you, I'll do worse: I'll let you go in the form of a bird. And because of the shame you brought upon Llew Llaw Gyffes, you shall not dare show your face ever in the light of day for fear of the other birds. There shall be enmity between you and all the rest of the birds. It shall be natural for them to persecute you and dishonor you whereever they find you. You shall not lose your name, however, you shall always be called Blodeuwedd."
-The Mabinogi And Other Medieval Welsh Tales

Meditation for Blodeuwedd

Dyffryn Ardudwy, North Wales (10th July 2003)
Photo by Michael Lambert

This meditation is my own. As with all of my personal writing on this website...this meditation came to me through my own experiences as a student of the Avalonian Tradition. For more information about meditation be sure to visit my Meditation page.

You are sitting at the stone circle of Avalon. To the east of the center altar you see a mist rising between some large rocks. Beyond the mists you can barely make out a field of brightly colored flowers. You walk slowly, purposefully to it...counting your steps as you go. 10, you breathe out the stress and heaviness of your day, 9, you breathe in the cool, sweet air of Avalon, 8, you breathe out the lingering thoughts that careen through your mind, 7, you breathe in the delicate scent of apples, 6, you breathe out any negative energies that cling to you, 5, you breathe in the groundedness of the Tor, 4, you breathe out every worry, 3, you breathe in the peacefulness of Avalon, 2, you breathe out any lingering weariness as you prepare for the journey ahead. 1, as you breathe in the cool dampness of the mists, you walk out into the field of flowers and lie down in their midst as the mist wraps around you. After some time the mist parts and you open your eyes and look up at the sky and realize that it is the night of the new moon. You have come to this place to search out the Goddess Blodeuwedd. You rise and begin to walk along the dunes of Ardudwy. Far off in the distance you hear the call of a hunting horn...the sound makes you quicken your pace for Mur Castell can't be far away. The horn sounds again and something seems to awaken in you...the stir of a new beginning. As you continue your walk, you begin to hear the gurgle of the Cynfael river. As you come up the crest of a dune you spy a circle by the river. The perimeter of the circle is made up of 9 different flowers. In the center of the circle stands a large stone with a sizeable hole passing through its middle. To your amazement an owl sits perched on the stone. You rush down to the circle...pausing for a moment to remove the garland of flowers that adorns your neck. You lie them across the threshold of the circle as an offering to the Lady. As you cross the threshold, your eyes locked on those of the owl, you are transfixed by the image of Her shapeshifting into that of the Goddess. You gasp and take a step back but She holds out Her hand and beckons you forward. You go to Her and kneel at Her feet. She looks at you with the eyes of clarity and asks, "What is your question my child?" You talk with Her for sometime before you notice that dawn is fast approaching. She tells you that it is time for you to return to Avalon. She tells you that you may visit with Her anytime you like, anytime you need to access the power of being an independant womon, anytime you need a new beginning. You rise and then bow to kiss Her delicate hand but then you realize you are now holding a small flower. You slip it behind your ear and then leave Her circle. Again you are walking along the dunes...this time you follow an owl who insists on keeping you company. As you walk you notice a mist begin to rise all around you. By the time you reach the incredible field of flowers the mist has become so thick that you can barely see. You draw your cloak around you as you lie down on the bed of flowers. You count your steps back...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. You walk through the rocks and find yourself back in the stone circle of Avalon.

Unknown Artist! Email me if you know who!!!
Blodeuwedd's Chant

Blodeuwedd, fair maiden
Behind a face made of flowers
Lie mysteries, beginnings,
The knowing eyes of the owl

Click flame to HEAR this chant!!!

This chant was written by BryteUnicorn.
Be sure to click on the flame so that you can hear the recording!

My Personal Ritual to Honor Blodeuwedd
Click to go to Amy Brown's Website!
Amy Brown Art

Celtic Prints Website
Celtic Prints

This ritual maybe very elaborate or very simple...depends on what you feel like. I prefer to do this ritual in my outdoor sacred space at new moon. On the East altar I may place a small crystal owl (gifted to me by a close friend more than 20 years ago) and a small bouquet of flowers or a flowering plant. On my central altar I may light a special mixture of incense using Avalonian herbs specific to Blodeuwedd. I will place an image of Avalon and a chunky white candle on the altar before taking a moment to calm my mind for the ritual at hand. I take the time to leave behind the mundane world and then cast my circle moonwise to evoke feminine energies. I light the candle and still my mind by rhythmic breathing. Sometimes I play a drumming tape or drum myself. I begin the meditation to part the mists and return to the Apple Isle...Avalon. When I reach the Tor, I take a moment to light the incense and begin my journey to Mur-y-Castell, to the Kingdoms of Ardudwy and Eifionydd, and to Llyn y walk in Her forests and around Her lake. To seek out Blodeuwedd. When I am ready to leave the Island, I pause at the Tor to leave an apple or some blossoms. When I return to my sacred circle, I take a few minutes to write about the meditation, then give thanks and libations before opening the circle.

North Wales Bird Trust

Bendithion Afallon

All pictures on this website are links! Move your cursor over the photo or art to click the link! I have taken pains to give any work that is not mine credit...please be sure to visit their website!