The Apple Isle

The Avalonian Goddesses
Avalonian Holy Days
The Elements
Guides and Totems
Herbs & Recipes
Handcrafted Ritual Tools
Resource List
Contact Me

Avalon is waiting...
The time has come to climb onto the barge and begin your journey through the mists...

Sarah Boait Photography Website
Used with permission by Sarah Boait Photography

As a daughter of the Goddess and a member of the Sisterhood Of Avalon, I extend a warm welcome to all visitors of this site. I decided to create this website as my project for the SOA Gold Ray Quest (formerly the Aspirant and Novice Quests).
These pages represent my journey on the Avalonian path. I have endevored to create a virtual sacred space...a kind of cybershrine to the Avalonian Goddesses. I wish all who enter peaceful blessings.

Please understand that the information found on this website is part of my own journey through the Sisterhood of Avalon's Aspirant and Novice Quests. Through careful study of Celtic mythology and by utilizing various translations of The Mabinogion and other texts, I was able to come to my own understanding of the Avalonian Cycle of Healing and to develop an intimate relationship with the Avalonian Goddess pantheon. Although I have been a practicing Pagan for many years, I am still relatively new to the Avalonian tradition and consider myself a student on this path. I am creating this website as an act of devotion to the Avalonian Goddesses. Where ever possible, I give credit for information presented that is not mine. It is my hope not to plagerize or be plagerized. Much of the information presented on this website was interpreted by me through careful study, meditation, and other spiritual practices specific to SOA. I want to stress that I do not expect anyone to accept my interpretation of this information as the final word in Avalonian lore. I do not offer this information lightly and encourage all seekers to form their own opinions and to get in touch with their own intuition when trying to connect with the Goddess. If you are searching for information on the Avalonian Cycle of Healing you will not find correspondences contained within these pages, but you will find my personal insights and traditions to honor the Goddesses. I urge you to make your own journey by researching Celtic myth yourself. If you look at my links and resources pages you will find a list of books and websites that will help you to create your own road map or guide to defining your own spiritual quest.
The journey is the thing...the mists are parting...

I have recently retooled my website. I have added a few new pages and changed the navigation to the Goddess Pages and Holy Day Pages. Please be patient with me during this time and be sure to return soon and check out the new information!

Bendithion Afallon

All pictures on this website are links! Move your cursor over the photo or art to click the link! I have taken pains to give any work that is not mine credit...please be sure to visit their website!