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Meditation is an excellent way to connect with the Goddesses of Avalon and is a major part of my daily practice. Meditation can take many forms, from Imramma to Yogic Meditation to Guided Imagery. The important thing is consistency...

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Sarah Boait Photography Website
Used with permission by Sarah Boait Photography

Sarah Boait Photography Website
Used with permission by Sarah Boait Photography

"Meditation is a focusing of the mind on a single object, creating the cessation of all thought. As thoughts dissipate, the mind becomes quiet, and we are able to be fully in the present moment. The techniques of meditation are simple and easy to learn, but the ability to keep the mind focused takes time, patience and practice. The benefits of a regular meditation practice include reduction of stress, tension, anxiety and frustration, as well as improved memory, concentration, inner peace and whole body well-being."
"Sit in a comfortable position, either cross-legged on the floor or in a chair. Sit up tall with the spine straight, the shoulders relaxed and the chest open. Rest the hands on the knees with the palms facing up. Lightly touch the index finger to the thumb. Relax the face, jaw, and belly. Let the tongue rest on the roof of the mouth, just behind the front teeth. Allow the eyes to lightly close.

Breathe slowly, smoothly and deeply in and out through the nose. Let the inhale start in the belly and then rise gently up into the chest. As the breath slows and deepens, let go of any thoughts or distractions and allow the mind to focus on the breath. Feel the breath as it moves in and out of the body, feeling it move through the nose, throat, windpipe and lungs. Feel the body as it rises and falls with each breath. Bring as much of your awareness and attention to your body and breath as possible with each moment. As the thoughts return to the mind, let them go, and return the focus back to the body and breath.

Practice this meditation for 10-20 minutes. To end, gently let the eyes blink open, inhale the palms together in front of the heart, exhale and gently bow. Take a moment or two before moving on with the rest of your day."

How To Create Your Own Guided Meditation CDs


My daily practice consists, mainly, of meditation. For me, meditation is a form of prayer and devotion. It is also a way for me to connect with the energies of Avalon, the Goddesses,  or with my guide.
It's easy to make your own meditation CDs. You'll need your computer (with internet connection and a CD burner), a microphone, some rewriteable CDs, atmospheric music, drumming CDs or tapes, a script of your guided meditation. If you need a sound editing/recording program you can go online to and find quite a few good ones. After you've familarized yourself with the sound software get ready to record. Some computers allow you to record your voice while you play a CD in the background. I have used drumming CDs for my background music and found that the drumming really helps me to get into a trance state for the meditation.  After you've recorded your guided meditation or Imram say it and then record it onto a rewriteable CD. Label it. I love having my meditations on CD because I can take it with me where ever I go. I just pop it into my portable CD player and find a comfy, safe place (I love to meditate outside) and trance! 
You might also consider making your own drumming CD. An easy way to make your own is to drum a heartbeat for about 15 minutes. This kind of drumbeat allows one to easily enter into a meditative state.
Some may cast a circle before meditation, others may light a candle and some incense. Make yourself comfortable by either sitting in a comfortable chair, laying on the ground, or holding a specific trance posture. Breathe rhythmically.

Bendithion Afallon

All pictures on this website are links! Move your cursor over the photo or art to click the link! I have taken pains to give any work that is not mine credit...please be sure to visit their website!