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Ceridwen's Myth

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This is a re-telling of Ceridwen's Myth. I wrote this story because I thought it would be an interesting way to explore Her story. I mean no disrespect with my re-telling. I admit that this story is a reflection of my personal, political, and religious beliefs. I hope you enjoy it.

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Courtesy Mythic Images Galleries

Ceridwen lived with her partner, Tegid, in a cabin on a lake for many years before they decided to have children. They were lesbians so they tried to get Ceridwen pregnant by artificial insemination. Since it did not seem to be working they decided to adopt. They told the adoption agency that they wanted a girl and a boy. The girl, they named Creirwy, was stunningly beautiful. Ceridwen and Tegid knew that society was a shallow one and only valued wimin for their looks. Because Creirwy was so beautiful they did not worry that she would have a hard time in the world. However, the boy, Afagddu, was so ugly that Ceridwen and Tegid worried he would be taunted and abused by others. They knew that Afagddu would have to be an exceptional child if he was to pass through this world without being discriminated against.

In the new millenium, Paganism was not lost. Ceridwen was a witch. After thinking about the situation and talking it over with Tegid, she decided to draw upon her knowledge of herbs and would create a potion. She intended to make a potion that would bestow on Afagddu such wisdom and wit that he would be irresistable to anyone he came in contact with. Ceridwen picked an auspicious time and began to create the special brew in the huge iron cauldron that sat in the middle of her sacred circle back on the wild part of their land. She boiled up herbs picked at special times of the year and governed by astrological lore. This potion was created over a year and a day and the whole time Ceridwen stirred. Finally, when the potion was ready to be distilled into 3 precious drops, she hired the kid down the street, Gwion Bach. Gwion seemed to be a good kid. Ceridwen and Tegid had hired him to dog sit before and had been impressed by his sense of responsiblity. Ceridwen was very tired...her ritual was beginning to sap her energy so she hired Gwion to stir the potion for her. She knew she needed to get some rest before she could complete the potion.

Click here to visit Katlyn's website!

Used with permission by Katlyn Breene

Ceridwen told Gwion that he must stir the brew and that he must be very careful not to spill a drop. She left the circle and went into the cabin that she shared with Tegid. She was so tired that she barely made it to their big brass bed. Soon she was fast asleep while outside Gwion stirred the brew carefully.
Now, even though Gwion Bach was a responsible child...he was still a child. He began to grow bored with his task. To keep things interesting he began to stir the brew to the rhythm of the music blasting in his headphones. And just like that, on a particularly energetic pass Gwion accidently splashed the brew and one little drop flew out and landed on Gwion's thumb. The temperature was hot and he raised his thumb to his mouth without a second thought. In that instant Gwion was overcome with knowledge, insight, and wisdom. He knew that Ceridwen would kill him for the mistake. He ran for his life.
Ceridwen awakened at the very moment that Gwion put his thumb to his mouth. She knew that he'd tasted the potion. She flew into a rage and ran from the cabin to her cauldron. When she got there she was not surprised to see it unattended. She looked wildly around her trying to ascertain the direction the boy had taken as the cauldron suddenly burst. The brew had turned into a vile poison that no cauldron could hold. She screamed like a wild thing because she knew Gwion had deprived her son of the precious brew. Creidwen was crafty and knew the woods well. She picked up Gwion's trail in an instant and was soon in fast pursuit.

Gwion Bach

Gwion could feel Ceridwen draw closer and in the moment that he pictured himself as hare, he became one. He bounded through the underbrush quickly and quietly but Ceridwen could shapeshift as well and had turned herself into a greyhound. She was just behind him, jaws snapping wildly. Gwion realized he was near a river and in the moment that he imagined himself a fish, he became one and jumped into the river, swimming madly downstream. Ceridwen cackled loudly and promptly changed into an otter. She was so close to catching him in her razor sharp teeth when Gwion imagined himself as a bird. He flew up out of the water and into the air, soaring ever higher. Ceridwen let out a screech as she changed into a hawk and flew swiftly after him. Gwion was beginning to tire but had a flash of inspiration. As he flew over a barn he imagined himself a grain of wheat and fell into a silo. Ceridwen, ever clever, changed into a black hen and began hunting and pecking. Soon she found Gwion and swallowed him up.
Finally the rage began to subside in Ceridwen and she started to feel like her old self. She returned to the cabin and told Tegid what happened. A month later they were surprised to discover that Ceridwen was pregnant. On April 29th, with Tegid by her side, Ceridwen delivered a beautiful baby boy. They named him Taliesin. He was so special that Ceridwen decided to give him the best education she could find even if it meant that he would have to be sent away. And send him away she did...

Bendithion Afallon

All pictures on this website are links! Move your cursor over the photo or art to click the link! I have taken pains to give any work that is not mine credit...please be sure to visit their website!