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Click here to read a retelling of Rhiannon's Myth

"Rhiannon rings like a bell thru the night
And wouldn’t you love to love her
She rules her life like a bird in flight
And who will be her lover...

All your life you’ve never seen
A woman - taken by the wind
Would you stay if she promised you heaven
Will you ever win..
-Stevie Nicks


"Rhiannon, for her part, summoned to her teachers and men of wisdom. And when it seemed more appropriate to her to accept her penance than to haggle with the women, she accepted her punishment. This was the punishment handed down to her: to be in that court in Arberth for seven years, to sit beside the mounting block that was outside the gate each day, to tell her story to all who came whom she thought might not know it, and to offer to those guests and distant travellers who would allow it to carry them on her back to the court; only rarely would one allow himself to be carried. And thus she spent a part of the year."
-The Mabinogi And Other Medieval Welsh Tales


Meditation for Rhiannon


This meditation is my own. As with all of my personal writing on this website...this meditation came to me through my own experiences as a student of the Avalonian Tradition. For more information about meditation be sure to visit my Meditation page.

You are sitting at the stone circle of Avalon. To the west of the center altar you see a mist rising between some large rocks. Beyond the mists you can barely make out the shape of a faery mound. You walk slowly, purposefully to it...counting your steps as you go. 10, you breathe out the stress and heaviness of your day, 9, you breathe in the cool, sweet air of Avalon, 8, you breathe out the lingering thoughts that careen through your mind, 7, you breathe in the delicate scent of apples, 6, you breathe out any negative energies that cling to you, 5, you breathe in the groundedness of the Tor, 4, you breathe out every worry, 3, you breathe in the peacefulness of Avalon, 2, you breathe out any lingering weariness as you prepare for the journey ahead. 1, as you breathe in the cool dampness of the mists, you walk over to the mound and lie down on the soft green grass as the mist closes in. After some time the mist parts and you open your eyes and look up at the sky and realize that it is the night of the full moon. You have come to this place to search out the Goddess Rhiannon. You rise and begin to walk through the forest that surrounds the magical mound of Arberth. Suddenly a raven swoops down from the trees and lands ahead of you on a large rock. The raven looks at you and cocks its head before returning to the sky. The bird makes a circle around you before flying ahead. You follow the big black bird quickly, sure that she will take you to Rhiannon. Soon you come to a small glade...a crystal spring runs through the clearing and forms a natural pool in the west. As you walk towards the pool you notice that the raven has come to a rest in the branches of an ancient oak. The banks of this pool are covered with hoof prints and you realize that this is the place you seek. Suddenly the black bird flies down from the tree and lands on a large, elaborate stone bird bath that sits in the middle of the glade. As you walk around the bath and move closer to the pool you see that a large silver urn rests on the flat rocks beside the clear pool. You dip the urn into the cool, clear water and turn to the bird bath. When you pour the water into the bath you are mesmorized by the patterns that seem to form in the swirling water. You realize now that this is an oracle. As you stare into the water you hear the faint sound of hoofbeats on the forest look up in time to see a white horse approaching the circle but as She crosses the threshold you see her shapeshift into the beautiful Goddess, Rhiannon. She walks over to the oracle and peers into the water. "What do you seek my child," She asks. You talk with Her for some times, She trails a finger through the water in the oracle to draw out a symbol or picture. Finally you realize that it is time to go. You reach into the deep pockets of your cloak and withdraw several apples. You tell Rhiannon that you brought them for Her and place them at the base of the oracle. She is delighted at your gift and reaches for your hand. She presses something into your palm but tells you not to look until you return to Avalon. Then she leans down and kisses you on your forehead before sending you on your way. You pause at the perimeter of the circle to look back at Her for a moment. She radiates such love and warmth that you don't want to leave but know that you must. You pass through the threshold of the circle and are delighted to see, up ahead, the big raven waiting for you to follow. As you walk back through the forest you notice a mist begin to rise all around you. By the time you reach the magical mound of Arberth the mist has become so thick that you can barely see. You draw your cloak around you and lie on the soft green grass of the mound. You count your steps back...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. You walk through the rocks and find yourself back in the stone circle of Avalon.

Click to go to Hrana Janto's Website!

Used by permission of the artist.

Chant for Rhiannon
Veil covered face, and golden beauty
Birds sweetly singing
Annwyn's Great Queen, warm embracing mother
Hoofbeats are ringing
Click flame to HEAR chant!!!

This chant was written by BryteUnicorn.
Be sure to click on the flame so that you can hear the recording!

My Personal Ritual to Honor Rhiannon
Know the artist?? Email me Please!!

Know the artist??? Let me know!!!

This ritual takes place in my outdoor sacred space at full moon. On the West altar I place a small image of Rhiannon or an image of the fullmoon. On my central altar I place a special mixture of incense using Avalonian herbs specific to Rhiannon, an image of Avalon, and a chunky white candle before taking a moment to calm my mind for the ritual at hand. I take the time to leave behind the mundane world and then cast my circle moonwise to evoke feminine energies. I light the candle and still my mind by rhymic breathing. I begin the meditation to part the mists and return to Avalon. When I reach the Tor, I take a moment to light the incense and begin my journey to Dyfed in South West Wales and the magical mound of walk in Her forests and around Her lake. To seek out Rhiannon. When I am ready to leave the Island, I pause at the Tor to leave an apple or some blossoms. When I return to my sacred circle, I take a few minutes to write about the meditation, then give thanks and libations before opening the circle.

Rivendell Equine Defense
Rivendell Horse Sanctuary

Bendithion Afallon

All pictures on this website are links! Move your cursor over the photo or art to click the link! I have taken pains to give any work that is not mine credit...please be sure to visit their website!